Code of conduct

Any violation of the following may be a reason to terminate your right to access our services and, in some cases, to initiate legal proceedings.

  1. Privacy and GDPR

    Every user must comply with the Privacy Act, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its implementation decisions as described by the Data Protection Authority.

    For this we refer you to

  2. Do not distribute information for commercial purposes

    It is not permitted to post or distribute unauthorized and commercial communication (such as spam, advertisements, worksheets, recruitment pamphlets, etc.) on or via TeacherOnline.

  3. Do not collect information

    It is not permitted to collect the content or information of users or to attempt to gain access to TeacherOnline's services in any other way, using automated means.

  4. Do not distribute malicious software

    Het is niet toegelaten virussen of andere kwaadaardige codes, bestanden of programma's te uploaden op welke manier dan ook.

  5. No identity theft

    Het is niet toegelaten om andermans login informatie te verkrijgen of toegang te verschaffen tot de account van een andere gebruiker.

  6. No bullying, sexual harassment, violence or discrimination

    Het is niet toegelaten inhoud te communiceren(verbaal/non-verbaal) dat kan aanzetten tot haat, *ongewenst seksueel gedrag, pornografie,*geweld , *pesten, *discriminatie of naar een bedreigende sfeer.*

    Definition of terms

    1. Unwanted sexual behavior:

      any form of verbal, non-verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, of which the person who is guilty of it knows or should know that it is detrimental to the dignity of women or men. Any behavior of a sexual nature is unacceptable if: such behavior is undesirable, unreasonable and offensive to the person who is dealing with it (annoying invitations, touches ...); it creates an intimidating, hostile or degrading climate in relation to the person who is confronted with it (showing porn photos, sexual aggression).
    2. Violence:

      any fact whereby a person is psychologically or physically harassed, threatened or attacked.
    3. Bullying:

      any form of unlawfulness and recurring behavior that can express itself in words, behaviors, threats, actions, gestures and one-sided writings that have the purpose or effect that the personality, dignity, psychological or a person's physical integrity is compromised, his relationship endangered, or a threatening, hostile, abusive, degrading, or offensive environment is created.
    4. Discrimination:

      Making orally or in writing statements about persons, performing acts against persons, making a distinction between persons because of their race, color, origin, religion, gender, disability, philosophy of life or sexual orientation.

      For the purposes of this Code of Conduct, discrimination and intimidation means:

      • Making a distinction between people on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic or ethnic origin, religion, belief, political affiliation, gender, heterosexual or homosexual orientation or any other ground (direct).
      • The imposition of requirements or restrictions on persons or a group of people, with the result that these persons or the group are disproportionately disadvantaged or excluded as a result, without these requirements or restrictions being objectively justified (indirectly).
      • Insulting (or verbal or written) and inciting; hatred, discrimination, intimidation or violence against persons due to the aforementioned grounds for discrimination.

  7. No religious or political expressions

    TeacherOnline may not be used to discuss or promote religious opinions or customs.

    TeacherOnline may not be used to promote or condemn political tendencies, parties or individuals.

  8. No illegal activities

    TeacherOnline may not be used to perform anything illegal, deceptive, misleading, illegal, unethical, malicious or discriminatory.

  9. No Cyber Attacks, Denial of service attacks

    It is not permitted to cause a malfunction, an overload or a deterioration of proper functioning to TeacherOnline.

Any violation of the above may be a reason to terminate your right of access to our services and, in some cases, to initiate legal proceedings.